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We support over 3,500 schools around Australia, helping to break down the barriers that prevent more students from staying active on their journey to school.

Want the Ride2School team to visit your school?

Our tools and initiatives are available to both primary and secondary schools across Victoria and Tasmania.

Simply contact the Ride2School Team. 

Contact us

Bike Education

The Ride2School team are fully qualified to help enhance and support a Bike Ed program at your school!

We have plenty to offer, whether you’d like to create your own bike education program using our curriculum resource or need assistance from our team to run a smooth program at your school.

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Open Streets

Nobody likes car congestion around schools at drop-off and pick-up times. It’s stressful for parents, students, teachers and residents. It also leads to poorer air quality and road safety. Not to mention, sitting in cars instead of being active means our kids are missing out on vital exercise and social interaction.

To open up the streets around schools at drop-off and pick-up times so that children and adults can walk and ride freely, without having to worry about car traffic. Open Streets helps build safer, more connected, happier and healthier communities.

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MIND.BODY.PEDAL is an event for secondary schools that aims to inspire, energise and empower girls to get active through bike riding.

Led by a team of experts, MIND.BODY.PEDAL sets out to support and celebrate the differences that make girls unique, while addressing issues of self-esteem and confidence that hold many back from riding a bike.

Learn More


ActivePaths – are designated routes to school that have been identified in conjunction with the local council and the school community. Providing all students with the opportunity to actively travel at least part of the way on their journey to school.

ActiveMaps – are local area maps that identify walking and riding routes to school within a five – ten minute zone to your school, including part-way drop off points for families that live outside the ride zone.


Curriculum resource

Active Travel Ambassadors

‘Students becoming Active Travel Ambassadors’ is a unit of inquiry aimed at grades 4-6. It allows students to research, design, implement and evaluate campaigns to get more students active on the school journey.


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