Issue:  27/2019 - 08.07
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NAIDOC Week events in Horsham


Horsham Rural City Council is encouraging Wimmera people to be involved in NAIDOC Week events across the municipality.

NAIDOC Week runs from 8 July to 12 July and this year’s theme is Voice, Treaty, Truth which celebrates 2019 as being United Nations International Year of Indigenous Languages.

The week’s events begin on Monday with the Welcome to Country, Flag Raising Ceremony and Traditional Dancers on the corner of Firebrace Street and Roberts Avenue running from 9.30am to 10.30am.

The official opening of the Aboriginal art exhibition will then be held at Horsham Town Hall from 10.30am to 12noon.

Throughout the week, Horsham Town Hall will feature a collection of works from local indigenous artists that show stories of culture and connection to country.

On Wednesday Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Co-Operative will host a cocktail hour for the exhibition from 5.15pm to 7pm at Horsham Town Hall.

Event details:

Monday 8 July

  • 9.30am – 10.30am  Flag Raising Ceremony – Corner of Firebrace Street and Roberts Avenue, Horsham
  • 10.30am – 12noon Official Opening of Aboriginal Art Exhibition – Horsham Regional Art Gallery, 80 Wilson Street, Horsham

Wednesday 10 July

  • 5.15pm to 7pm Cocktail Hour Art Exhibition – Horsham Regional Art Gallery, 80 Wilson Street, Horsham

7 July until 18 August

  • Indigenous art exhibition: Paintings, photography and 3D installations will feature across the Art Gallery and Town Hall building for NAIDOC week, with some works remaining until mid-August.

See for information regarding NAIDOC Week.

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